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We have the local expertise!

Whether you are buying or selling properties, Wen and her team take a different approach to real estate, one that is built on personal touches, win-win deals and positive results.   utilize the latest technologies, market research and business strategies to exceed your expectations.  More importantly, we listen and that means we find solutions that are tailored to you.  


We welcome the opportunity to speak with you regarding your priorities and assist you in every step of the transaction.  Please contact us so we can tell you more about how we can serve you.

When selling a property, every owner wants the same thing - the best possible deal, in the shortest time frame, with the least amount of hassle and aggravation. Let us help you to make your home-selling experience a successful and rewarding one.

The complicated process of buying a property in New York City can be a stressful experience.  Whether you need a home or an investment , we will listen to your needs, stand by your side, and ensures that you will have a well informed and enjoyable experience in seizing your New York City real estate aspirations.  

Manhattan is vaguely divided into a number of different districts or neighborhoods. Each one has a different character or atmosphere.  Finding the right neighborhood to live or invest a property could be overwhelming, especially for someone who is not from here.   This guide provides a general overview of Manhattan and some notable neighborhoods.

100 W 39th St 38E LR.jpeg

100 W 39th St.

For Sale


Condo for Sale

1BR | 1 Bath

Approximately 701 sqft


Livingroom VS.jpg

15 William St.

For Rent

Financial District

2 BR | 2 Bath 

Approximately 1273 sqft



321 E 45th St

For Rent


Studio | 1 Bath

Appximately 400 sqft

Fully Furnished


343e30 16J LR.jpeg

343 E 30th St. 16J


Kips Bay 

2 Bedroom

Approximately 1147 sqft



340 E 23rd St.


Gramercy / Flatiron

1BR | 1 Bath 

Approximately 653 sqft


Small LivingRoom.jpg

123 Washington St.


Financial District

1BR | 1 Bath 

Approximately 799sqft

Fully Furnished


Bedroom view.jpg

18 W 48th St PHD



1BR | 1 Bath

Approximately 633 sqft



Featured Buildings

Kips Bay Towers
Midtown East
15 William St
Financial District

Recent Posts


45 W 21st St, Suite 300, NY, NY 10010

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© 2021 by Wen Hsu, a member of City Connections Realty Inc. 

City Connections Realty, Inc. supports Equal Housing Opportunity. The federal Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept or permit any advertisement for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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